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a dynamic dashboard displaying trending content and activity data across industry professionals



Track your target audience's trending themes and media to power account-based marketing

Uncover content creation best practices from peers to grow your influence for thought leadership

Metrics include:

  • Post and activity volume over time 

  • Content type breakdown

  • Thematic breakdown 

  • Article shares volume

  • Domain shares volume

  • Audience member post volume

  • Audience member engagements

ESP UPDATED 11.10.png

Filters include:

  • Listening period

  • Authors’ industry

  • Authors’ role/title

  • Content themes

  • Employers’ public/private 

  • Employers’ sector

  • Employers’ revenue range

Our growing audience currently includes...

500+ Professionals

Across levels and roles including CEO, CFO, CPO, CHRO, and more

300+ Employers

Across finance, government, healthcare, manufacturing, and retail industries

10+ Themes

Tracked across content including ESG and diversity, with over 100 subthemes

... and can be custom-built based on your priority audience & themes 

Business Graphs

Subscription to Executive Signals Platform (ESP) includes full-time access to the monthly updated dashboard. 

Tailored insights and recommendations reports available. 

Contact us today to learn more.

© 2022 Ringer Sciences LLC

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